What is Hospice?

Hospice care is not giving up. Choosing hospice care for you or your loved one is a positive step in affirming the value of life. With the expert emotional and spiritual support available through hospice, you and your family can focus on enjoying your time together.

Hospice is a philosophy of care for adults and children designed to treat the patient, not the disease. For patients diagnosed with a life-limiting illness and a life expectancy of fewer than six months, hospice care focuses on pain and symptom management as well as emotional and spiritual support for your entire family.

At Community Healthcare of Texas, we provide choices, comfort, and support from a team of experts committed to enhancing your quality of life wherever you call home, whether a private residence, an assisted living facility, a nursing home, or one of our inpatient hospice houses.

The Community Healthcare of Texas hospice care team will develop a plan to meet the unique needs of you and your family. Medications, medical equipment, and medical supplies are provided to manage your illness. Our hospice program includes four levels of care, and we offer care and support while keeping you comfortable by providing you and your loved ones with the following: 


Community Healthcare of Texas believes that preparing you and your family for the changes that occur at the end of life is important. Your hospice team will provide education and support as needed for the following:

  • Preparación para los cambios físicos que se producen
  • Consejos y consejos para el cuidado de la comodidad
  • Cómo afrontar espiritual y emocionalmente mientras se cuida a los seres queridos

Emotional and Spiritual Support

Our team of Nurses, Chaplains, Social Workers, and Physicians is always available to respond to your needs. Depending on where each person is on their journey, the hospice team helps with the following:

  • Aislamiento
  • Miedo 
  • Pérdida de la esperanza
  • Feeling Overwhelmed 
  • Tristeza
  • Culpa
  • Ira

Caregiver Support

  • Ayudar a comunicarse con el médico y otros profesionales de la salud para asegurarse de que los deseos de su ser querido se cumplan.
  • Coordinar la atención y los servicios sociales para permitirle proporcionar cuidados en casa
  • Enseñar técnicas de cuidado de la comodidad
  • Provide a volunteer to stay with your loved one to give you time away
  • Ofrecer apoyo de enfermería de guardia las 24 horas del día para responder a las preguntas y responder a las emergencias

Additional Services Include:

  • Medicamentos relacionados con la enfermedad
  • Suministros y equipo médico
  • Médicos
  • Cuidado de enfermería
  • Ayudantes de enfermería certificados
  • Asesoramiento pastoral
  • Asesoramiento dietético
  • Terapia física, del habla y ocupacional
  • Servicios sociales
  • Apoyo para el duelo y la pena
  • Servicios voluntarios
  • Limpieza ligera en el área de atención al paciente
  • Preparación de la comida del paciente

Signs It May Be Time for Hospice

  • Viajes frecuentes a la sala de emergencias o una hospitalización reciente
  • Disminución del apetito y pérdida de peso
  • Aumento de la debilidad o las caídas
  • Requiere más ayuda con las actividades cotidianas
  • Multiple changes and adjustments to medications or an increase in medications needed to control symptoms
  • Aumento de la escarificación cutánea y de la dificultad para tratar las heridas
  • Aumento de la falta de aliento o de la necesidad de oxígeno la mayoría de las veces
  • Dolor incontrolado o aumento de los síntomas

A diagnosis of a life-limiting illness may leave you feeling overwhelmed. Community Healthcare of Texas is your partner in navigating the many options available for you and your family. Call us today at (800)958.4942.