Volunteer Spotlight – Roy Walker

Volunteers are the heart of our organization, and Roy Walker is no exception. He has volunteered with Community Healthcare of Texas since 2013 and he is incredibly generous with his time and his talents. Roy even recruits his family and friends to support our patients when needed.
Our care team recently had a special request for custom fidget blankets for our patients. These lap-sized blankets provide sensory and tactile stimulation for the restless hands of someone with dementia. And for hospice patients, they offer a way to keep their hands busy and provide relief from anxiety. Once Roy learned about the special request, he jumped into action and worked with his wife and friends to meet the need.
Roy is an Army veteran, and helping others is second nature for him. Now retired, he enjoys spending time with his family and volunteering. His compassionate spirit is a gift to our patients, their families, and our entire team, and we are grateful for him.
To learn more about how you can volunteer with Community Healthcare of Texas, visit www.chot.org/volunteer or call us today at (800)226.0373 in the DFW area or (800)625-9328 in the Waco area.